Building, building, building.....
After some distractions that forced me away from my training, I am so pleased to be back to the gym and focusing on rebuilding and shattering some very specific grip goals in late January 2016. I am eager to rebuild and continue moving forward with competing, being a business owner and enjoying the off season for my minions while they get back into the gym, work with their coaches and make every training day count.

Late this year I completely switched paths saying I had grip goals I wanted to accomplish and just left it at that. I specifically did not share details, I did not want to ruin the Christmas surprise. I plan on competing at the LA FitExpo in January at the Odd Haugen Strength Classic.

My Silver Bullet is improving so that's positive. I am very comfortable hitting the 30's in training and knowing it puts me in the ball park on trying to break my current world record on this event. I need to confirm what it is, off the top of my head it's like 44 seconds. Coming in at one minute would be a sweet mark to hit.

Gripper Warm Up
Guide - 3x10

Silver Bullet Gripper Hold

COC 2 (107 lbs) with hanging disc
1x30 sec
1x33 sec
1x17 sec

Strict Press

95, 3x3
115, 1x3
125, 1x3
135, 2x3

Banded Goose Neck Rows & Holds

Mini Band, 3x10

Heavy Set Practice

134, 3x1

Rubber Bands & Stretching