Building, building, building.....
After some distractions that forced me away from my training, I am so pleased to be back to the gym and focusing on rebuilding and shattering some very specific grip goals in late January 2016. I am eager to rebuild and continue moving forward with competing, being a business owner and enjoying the off season for my minions while they get back into the gym, work with their coaches and make every training day count.

Sunday, 12/6

For some reason I kept singing, "Grip N Squats" over and over and over in my head rather than, "Boots and Pants." Either way, it's ridiculous but TOTALLY leads into some pics I have GOT to share with you all.

Gripper Warm Up - Guide, 3x10



I jumped over to regular bar for squats tonight because truthfully I didn't want to move the chains and benches to get my work in. This was a great opportunity to realize how much more I prefer the SSB when training grip as my first priority since my hands were beat.

Please note...I AM SQUATTING!!!!! It may be light weight, but it counts and there are no mental issues or limitations that freak me out or without a SSB to help manage some of my chronic issues. I truly believe my work with the SquatGuide has helped reduce problems within my squat that were lending themselves to chronic knee issues. Time will tell. From time to time I still get some sharp pain behind the kneecap but it's NOTHING compared to previous issues.

Bar - 3x5

135, 2x5

185, 1x5

205, 1x5

225, 1x3

245, 1x3

275, 1x5

Grippers - 10x1

The rules here are when I close a gripper, I move up to the next higher one. If I miss on a higher one, I drop down. I can miss on heavier grippers twice and finish with lighter singles.

106 RGC Rating (COC 2), 2 second hold

107.5 RGC Rating (COC 2), 2 second hold

110 RGC Rating, 2 second hold

114 RGC Rating, (COC 2), 2 second hold

125.8 RGC Rating, miss

114 RGC Rating, (COC 2), 2 second hold

125.8 RGC Rating, miss

114 RGC Rating, (COC 2), 2 second hold

114 RGC Rating, (COC 2), close but no hold

110 RGC Rating, 2 second hold

Filed Gripper

Filed COC 2 - hold for five seconds, not complete close

Filed COC 2 - miss x 2 seconds

Filed COC 2 - miss x 1 second

Rolling Thunder

119 lbs x 2, 3 count hold on last rep

119 lbs x 2, 3 count hold on last rep

119 lbs x 2, 1 count hold on last rep

109 lbs x 2, 7 count hold on last rep

114 lbs x2, 5 count hold on last rep

Rubber Bands

10 extensions

10 double extensions

10 extensions with rotations

Stretching Battery