This April, I competed at CPU Nationals, placing second in the 63kg open category with an 825 lb total, just one pound behind first place.
With the guidance of Steve Goggins, I am in pursuit of greatness, both on and off the platform.

Bench Training

Another really good training day! I'm working on slowly widening my grip on my heavy days, so my grip was about a 'pinky' wider on each side. I'm finding the wider my grip is, the more stable my shoulders feel. I was very nervous at the start to change anything about my bench, but I have complete trust in Steve and I am already seeing the benefits.

Incline db press 3x20
Overhead barbell press 5x6
tricep push downs 4x15
Pull aparts 3x25
Rotator cuff cleans 3x15


High Frequency Pressing

Does it seem like I bench frequently? I feel like half my training logs are about pressing!
My current training program calls for pressing three times a week.

  1.  Heavy day
  2. Moderate to heavy paused with shoulder saver pad (wide grip)
  3. Light paused 5x5 (wide grip).

I have found that high frequency pressing has had a huge impact on the consistent improvements I have made with my bench. I have yet to 'burn out' or have any shoulder issues to complain about.

How many times a week do YOU bench?