Just finished up my last week of a 3 week wave of box squats vs heavy bands. Week 1 was triples, week 2 doubles, week 3 a single. My goal starting out was to hit 465 plus the bands on my single day and it ended up being way easier than expected. Probably thanks to my first time in the elitefts super heavy knee wraps (300 cm). They are no joke, these will definitely be the wraps I use in my next meet.
Our training crew at The Strength Lab has been awesome lately. We have a handful of guys training for meets right now, which has really stepped the intensity up. Cooper is competing in June, Josh in August, Adam, Hunter and myself are competing in September. Percentages are getting heavier and no one wants to get out-lifted, so the competition in the gym is really making us all step up.
Squats vs Elitefts Pro Strong Bands
I was really happy and pretty surprised with how fast the last rep moved. I'm sure it had a lot to do with the knee wraps. They aren't comfortable but I can't wait to see what they add to my raw squat max.
Accessory work:
Hamstring curls. light weight 20 reps at a slow tempo - 3 sets absolutely smoked my hamstrings
Ab roller 2 x15