Changing it up this training cycle implementing 3 bench variations per week (and thats combined with my lower body training days - deadlifts and squats)

Spoto presses, floor presses, and pause presses/eccentric bench presses

Breaking up the eccentric and concentric parts of these movements can develop strength off the chest.

Spoto presses

Start light and take a moderate grip

Row the bar to your chest as fast as possible and stop one to two inches off your chest

Pause, then explode back up

Today's training:

Squat ecc with 205lbs 5 x 3 x 5 sec ecc

Pause Squats - 165lbs 5x 3

Spoto presses (feet up) - 95lbs 5 x5 (60 sec rest - sometimes I'll go 30 seconds)

Leg press 3-5 x 10

GHR 3 x 10
