Having some weird compensations due to hamstring on these goblet squats, was having issues getting to depth and knee pain. There is no discomfort in the hammy during this movement but I think I may unconsciously be guarding it. Back extension was much better this week, I did however feel like I was way more neutral than what video shows. My pelvic tilt, weak abs, tight hamstrings and hip flexors will be a work in progress this cycle.

Banded DB Goblet Squats 4x8: 70+green
A1) Neutral Grip DB Bench (3’s Pause) 5x8: 80-80-80-90-90
A2) DB Row (Pause) 2x8: 70
A1) Rear Delt. Raise 60 reps: 12
A2) Banded Curls (Slow Eccentric) 80 reps: green
A3) DB Neutral Dead stop Push-ups 50 reps: BW