This had been the best pump day I've gotten next to week one's leg day. Let's rephrase, this has been the best UPPER pump ive gotten since running this program. All parts of my lats felt FULL, contractions were hard and the exercise selection was spot on to put the nail in the coffin after these last 4 days. The way arms are weaved into back days is something I really enjoy from this style of meadows training as a pose to some of his older stuff having an arm day all by itself. I have taken this page out of his book with some clients and it is hit or miss depending on the style of the lifter.
Day 5 – Back
*Low cable row – 4x12:
*Neutral grip pulldown – 4x10:
*A1) Rope cable row – 4x12 (set cable at waist height)
*A2) Rope straight arm pulldown – 4x15:
*B1) Incline facing curls – 4x8-10 (strict and squeeze)
*B2) Alternating hammer curls – 4x8 each
*B3) Cable curls, ez bar attachment – 4x12
*C1) DB overhead tri ext – 4x10
*C2) Incline DB skulls – 4x10
*C3) Overhead rope extensions 4x15