Back with a straight bar in my hands, as mentioned many times before bench is my poverty lift. Incline bench even more so than regular bench so although I do not like having these programmed in they always help (even if I don't do well in a meet on bench). Things I will be trying different this time around on bench:

- Moving grip out one finger length. Last cycle I had my ring finger on the power ring and we did a lot of tricep work. I still struggled with locking out in the meet so I am going to see if this wider grip aids me in locking out due to my weak triceps (my thought is wider grip less tricep)

* this puts me with my index finger on the power ring (very wide)

During these incline presses I moved my grip back to my original position for one set and felt weaker, also felt way more tricep involvement so we will se if I can manipulate my weakness and rely on other strengths to get this press moving in the right direction. THIS DOES NOT MEAN we won't be focusing on triceps, it is a weakness and weakness' need to be resolved.


DB Bench 3x60’s: 50 (34-33-30)

A1) Incline Press (50%) 4x8: 175

A2) DB/Barbell Chest Supported Row 4x20: 40

B1) Side Delt. Raise 100 reps: 15

B2) Triceps Extension 100 reps: 85

B3) Biceps Curls 100 reps: 17.5

Upper Sled Work