Last leg day of the training program and they started off with freaking leg extensions. I dislike these very much, I end up using my entire body to contract this weight up, they are one of the most uncomfortable exercises for me to do, and the pain I get when doing these, from the pump, just sends me beyond my comfort zone SUPER FAST.
I think in the back of my head I am dreading this leg day more than anything cause it is on a Friday and we are set to start Conjuphasic Monday with ME legs that will be HIGHLY focused on quads, lol. Let's just send it all at once, shall we?
*Leg extension – 3x12:
*Leg press – 5x20, 8, 15, 6, 25:
*Reverse lunge off deficit – 4x10 each:
*Laying leg curls – 3x15:
*A1) Double leg TKE – 3x20 (elevate heels on 10# plate if you can, put band behind both knees, half squat down letting knees go forward a bit, then stand up and drive knees back into the band and flex quads hard).
*A2) Single leg RDL – 3x12 each
*Abs – Modified bird dogs and dead bugs