9 Weeks Out from XPC Finals @ The Arnold Classic

If you've read some of my logs you've probably seen me discuss the recurring pec and bicep strains I've been getting for a while now. I've also had hip issues for a while; and they're all on the left side - So I started wondering if maybe they're all connected. 

Rehab and prehab stuff is tough because there's honestly so much info out there; it's hard to know what to utilize and not waste an hour a day trying a million things that don't work.  So I decided to reach out to those smarter than I; to begin evaluating these issues and see if we can determine the cause, since these have been going on for a while. I'm going to wait to post any more about this until we've spent a few weeks testing, retesting, seeing what works, and most of all seeing how it affects pain and my performance; and then I'm sure we will post what we found works and what did not. Just from some initial evals and things we've done, I think it's going to make a difference. I'm always hesitant to post whether or not something "worked" until we've given it the test of some time, so after that I will make sure to post on some progress. Feeling good about it!

Joe Deficit Deadlift Ammonia

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