There seems to be some confusion out there about me. So I'm here today to clear the air about some things. Those who've been around me and KNOW me this may not come as a news flash, for some of you, this will be a kick in the dick, sorry not sorry.
My inbox is always full of people with a strange array of questions from the will, "You piss on me?" (men) to "How can I get my bench up?" With those being on both ends of the spectrum, there is any and every question you could come up with to fill in the middle. One of my favorites is, "Hey here's my entire program can you check it out and let me know what you think?" Who the fuck does that?
I'll tell you who, weirdos who wanna tell their friends "J.p Carroll" is helping me out. Then when I don't drop everything in my life to help a complete stranger, they either follow with a nasty message or take to the fantasy land we all know as Facebook. That is where I become a "cunt" lol yes I got called a cunt, an asshole.. got me there can't deny that cocky, arrogant, so on and so forth I'm sure you're getting the picture by now.
One person in particular when I asked him his total (D-bag move IDGAF) he got upset and told me no one gives a fuck about a total. He also said the only reason my number is better than his is that I have a small penis (wish I could argue) and working on my total is all I have to do.
Now I know being an elitefts "athlete." life's a little easier riding around town in the driver seat of my Bentley, but let's be real you idiot's don't know shit about me. I have a full-time job, and I'm raising two teenage children. I have a laundry list of regrets on my mind that I've racked up to get my number up, pissing off some complete stranger by not coddling them will never scratch that list.
So when people make comments such as one of these dweebs has recently, calling me a cunt and cocky and saying I'm a dick to people who've supported me in person (Arnold) it baffles me. Why couldn't I have been called cocky, and a cunt eye to eye? Everyone is Billy badass behind a keyboard. Then they create this fantasy life and use it to justify why they are subpar lifters. Here's some free advice since that's what I'm a dick for not giving away. Spend more time under the bar then in another man's inbox.
So let's condense this some.
Am I?
An asshole? Guilty
Cocky? I'm the man
Do I owe you anything? Fuck no I don't owe you shit!
The irony of all this mess because I don't humble brag on facebook about all things I do to help people and or causes, makes me laugh. Like I stated above, those who KNOW me are laughing at you powderlifters right along with me.
I believe it was Scott Mendelson who once said: "They don't have to like me, but I bet they like my number."
There is one point and one point only to this shit show I signed up for, adding pounds to my total, I'm not here to save the world and become some powerlifting ambassador fighting off the evil doers and making people feel comfy and cozy. One thing about me is you'll always get ME 100% not some made up keyboard fantasy persona.
So the next time you find yourself upset about the way I carry myself, close your eyes take a couple of deep breaths and envision me with both middle fingers up because IDGAF. #elitefts #5thset #fuckyoufightme