This one is probably going to hurt some feelings, and possibly insult some people who I share a mutual respect with. Lucky for me I didn't start training to make friends, I've been labeled a dickhead many times over, and that's the pg-13 version, and to be completely honest I am ok with that.
We've all seen it, the "10 weeks out drug cycle" which ordinarily consist of Testosterone, Tren, Eq, whatever your flavor of injectible is. Take those add them in with oral steroids such as Anadrol, Dbol, Halo, again whatever your favorite cocktail is, and voila, a demigod.
Every post is the most confident, androgen driven write up you could imagine, something along the lines of "I could eat glass, drink acid, and sleep on a bed of nails." The hashtags follow suit #badmotherfucker #fuckyoufightme (yes I'm guilty). I understand this is the point of these drugs, you don't get under 900 pounds second guessing yourself, that is a no-fly zone, and a recipe for disaster.
This macho ridden social media parade of sorts stretches the span of the entire ten weeks. The ego gets so inflated from being gassed up by the combination of followers praises, drugs, and even hitting the lifts during a peak phase it is just enough to make you feel like king fucking kong.
If everything goes according to plan which does happen from time, sometimes it falls very short, but that's a different story for another occasion. You instantly become the man of the hour; your friends, family, sponsors praise you at every turn. That following week is great too, you ride that wave of attention into the weekend, but the high fives slow up, the text and calls and likes (that is a real thing now) slow up. You reshare your "favorite" lift from the meet; you use the social media TBT as a vehicle to post yet another pic or video of your event now two weeks prior, victory is deliciously sweet but becomes bitter as time passes.
That's when the shit show starts; your levels come down, and you go from king kong to a poodle real fucking quick. The posting goes from being a savage to being depressed and anxious. I do like some of the write ups, information about anxiety and depression are great, but they always seem to leave out the common denominator DRUGS. It's a fun ride going up but it's an age old saying what goes up must come down. Now you switch from P.E.D.'s to physiatric drugs, when does one's dependency on drugs to moderate their feelings end?
I have a hard time understanding how someone diagnosed with depression and anxiety would use drugs that make you mentally unstable, now someone will quote this part and say drugs have never affected them mentally, good for you I feel safe assuming majority would agree with me on this. In reality, some guy named "Big Johhny" is your "doctor" and writes your cycle up for you pro bono, you know, because why wouldn't your connect want you running more than you need so that he can squeeze more profits out of you?
So now you are running Big Johhny's street proven post cycle protocol provide again yet by him, now you're depressed and anxious, possibly due to having the test levels of a 5-year-old. So you become an advocate for depression because you lack the attention you were getting while juiced up and lifting. The one issue I have with this route is this, not very often does one come out and say "after abusing drugs to compete on the level I competed at, I have a hard time with coming off."
That's not fair to the people you are trying to reach with your message. If I were impressionable, I'd think to myself "hey get on some testosterone, squat big, and I'll feel great" when in reality messing with your hormones is probably the last thing a person with depression and anxiety should be doing. So before you decide to "go up," ask yourself can you handle "coming down." It's a wild ride that's one promise I can make you.
#elitefts #5thset #sssb