I was a little pressed for time so I decided to change up my bench day and Incline Press today. I suck at it so bad, I knew that it wouldn't take me long to warmup and get to my working weight. I'm still preparing for the 21 deadlift salute at the Arnold classic in a few weeks. My upper body days are mostly focused on hitting a little extra back work and pressing just to even things out.

Incline Press
135x10 x 2 sets
185x10 x 2 sets


Not impressive, I know. I do plan to keep working on them. I've had a lot of pec/shoulder issues over the past few years, so I'm hoping addressing this weakness will help things.

Accessory work:

Seated Cable Rows 5x25
Shrugs 3x30
Weighted Pullups (45 plate) 5x5