12 Weeks from XPC Finals @ The Arnold Classic
Yesterday was my dynamic effort bench day; and I've decided to (at least for now further from my meet) to keep speed bench to every other week. I've had issues with pec strains this year, and just find that every 2 weeks seems to allow me to really go 100%, rather than be beat up trying to speed bench every week. This may change but I think it's a good setup for now. Incline bench is finally starting to slowly rise again, and overall training seems to be moving in a positive direction again; but there's plenty of work to do before March.
A. Band Pull-Aparts - 4x15
B. Moderate Grip Incline Bench - 3x6, 1x8 w/ 225lbs
C1. Seated Pin Overhead Press - 3x8 w/ 155lbs
C2. One-Arm Dumbbell Row - 3x20 w/ 100lb dumbbell
D1. JM Press - 4x12 w/ 135lbs
D2. Band Pull-Aparts - 4x12 w/ isometric hold
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