April 9, 2016 The North American Outlaw Kettlebell Club took the platforms again. This event meant something different to every competitor. My team Outlaws put a fun relay team together, I did my set all on one arm and two members hit a snatch P.R. All in a days work and months of training.

Carri Chillingworth (16 Kg Snatch)


Carri's goal was to do better than her last competition where she made it to just over 7 mins. Sat she made it to 9 Mins 38 seconds, 22 seconds shy of 10 mins but not for lack of trying, she gave it all she had, so proud. Carri did 86 snatches giving her rank 3 in the 16 Kg snatch and a 1st place finish. Carri has been battling a shoulder injury so her amazing performance showed strength and determination. Congratulations Carri on your hard training and focus.

Here is a clip of her 10 min set.


Tom Hayes (20 Kg Snatch)


This is Tom's second competition and his first one using the 20 Kg bell, Tom's goal was to just hit the platform and see how far he could get. Tom's training has been sporadic with his hectic work schedule however he managed a great set with 90 Reps and 8 Mins, placing 1st in his category. Tom has really focused on his technique during this training cycle and it showed on the platform, congratulations Tom on an event well done.

Here is a clip of Tom's set.



Relay Team, "Team Outlaws" Shannon Lewis, Bethany Lewis, Tom Hayes, Ken Whetham


This event Agatsu offered a fun team event, a 12 min relay set of double Long Cycle. Each member had 3 mins to complete as many reps as they could get. The yellow bells are 16 Kg, 35 Lbs each, the impressive part is Shannon & Bethany at their light body weight lifting these heavy bells. We were faced against a team called "The In-Laws", a stacked team by far consisting of Cyn, Jennifer, Ryan & Steve. The Inlaws had 130 reps, the Outlaws had 117 reps.

Shannon Lewis (Impressive 2 mins 14 Reps)

Bethany Lewis (Impressive 3 mins 26 Reps)

Tom Hayes (Impressive 3 Mins & 31 Reps)   Ken Whetham (Easy 3 Mins and 46 Reps)



Sheri 12 Kg Long Cycle, 5 months post shoulder surgery all 10 mins on left arm. 127 reps, a huge P.R. and 1st place.



I really didn't train for this competition, I find it really difficult to focus on my own training while coaching so I really wasn't planning on competing. Between the rehab for my shoulder and my powerlifting training I just didn't focus on training for this event. At the last minute I decided to just do what I could for fun. Some called me crazy to even think I could do all the reps and 10 mins on one arm.


The amazing aspect of this sport is the "Mental Focus" I just turned my brain on "Auto Pilot", mentally counted 10 reps at a time and hit a huge milestone, all 127 reps and 10 mins on one arm.  It was fun to try that, no pressure, only trying to be better than I was yesterday. Mission accomplished with a little tear of the hand and a happy coach for how well my team did.



Another Agatsu Kettlebell competition in the books, if you are looking to try Kettlebell sport you can try your hand at a 5 Min set on May 28th at the Spot Athletics in Columbus Ohio.

Outlaw-Spot Athletics

Always, living, learning and passing on. Passion trumps everything, what have you go to loose.

Looking forward to coaching Team Outlaws for our next event probably in October !

#teamoutlaws #elitefts #driven #strongher #kettlebellsrock