Tonight we had our newest and youngest member join us and to my surprise Mitchel did excellent. I have never taught someone this young before but he seems to be a natural. Start them young and keep them active is my moto.
Tonights training was 2 min sets, I did a bit of upper training myself but still hesitant with my knee until I get my results. Ultrasound this morning and MRI next week.
Here is Mitchel with his Mom Kelly. His first time trying he was swinging an 18 lb kettlebell. He started with 10,12,15 then 18 lbs. It's amazing what you can do with these bells with the proper guidance and technique.
One of the girls favourite is the pushup sequence on the bells, 5 pushups, pull through, 5 triceps pushups then 5 suitcase deadlifts.
Hopefully my team will get some goals set for this year and we will attend a few Kettlebell competitions again. Never settle, alway strive for greatness.
#kettlbellsheri #driven #livelearnpasson