Got a little behind in my posting this week, so here are my last few training sessions in one shot.
Last Monday (3/30) was a raw bench session. Instead of flat bench or floor press, the guys decided to do an incline bench for a change. It wasn't a very big incline, at about 6 inches, but I suck at these, so I knew it would be plenty.
After warming up with the bar, I went;
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 1
225 x 1
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
325 x 1
I can't remember the last time I incline benched, but I know that the 325 is a pr, so I was pretty happy with this.
Finished with 10 sets of 10 on the standing t-bar row.
Friday was kind of a "whatever" day for upper body. I'm really only programming 2 days per week at the moment, then getting into the gym whenever else I can for the rest. I wound up doing 4 sets of 10 barbell overhead presses at 135lbs, 10 sets of 10 hammer rows with a couple of plates, then a bunch of spinal stability stuff for my back.
This past Sunday i took another big step towards the meet platform.
it was a deadlift day, which I was already a little apprehensive about. My apprehension was compounded by the fact that it was a low rack pull with a doubled mini-band. At first I considered using a sumo stance, but I figured it would be a much bigger mental breakthrough if I could get through it conventional.
Here's how it went:
bar + bands times a bunch
95 x 1
135 x 1
185 x 1
225 x 1
275 x 1
315 - miss
I was pissed about the miss with 315, but I figured I am just not ready to pull heavy weights conventional yet (not that 315 is heavy). I decided to do a few more pulls at 275 just to get more work in.
275 x 1
The second pull with 275 was way easier, so Anthony convinced me to give the 315 another go
315 x 1
Got it, and I had room for more!
I shut t down there because I already had one miss, but I was stoked because of the mental victory of coming back. It once again reinforced the idea that I am stronger than I think, and just need to quit being a puss and acting like I'm still hurt.
After the pulling, we did some ss bar squats on a foam box. I worked up to 385 but stopped there because my IT band was acting up and I didn't want to turn a good day into a bad one.
Finished with reverse hypers and pulldown abs
Getting stronger!