Monday was my last shirt day before my meet on Nov 15.
Since I was only 2 weeks out at this point, I was not going to go heavy. Instead, I wanted to take my last warmup (600) to a 1 board just to get a little practice grooving the shirt.
I warmed up to 315 raw, then put the shirt on at 405 to a 3 board. Then I went:
405 - 3 board
495 - 2 board
600 - 1 board
The 600 came off the board like 135. It may have been the easiest I've ever handled 600 on the bench.
Did the pullover machine for 4 sets of 10, then some cable triceps extensions.
Not really much to say at this point except that Im ready. I've never felt this strong going into meet and I can't wait to hit the platform!