I'm taking the next 12+ weeks off from strongman events and training primarily for hypertrophy with a slight strength emphasis. I'm in my "off-season" and looking to put on some size over the upcoming months and into next year. I'm working with teammate Mike Mastell on my programming.
Today was the first day of my new programming. Everything actually felt really good and it was a nice change of pace. I did get a little light headed on my last set of paused SSB squats. I'm getting over a cold at the moment though and have a lot of congestion in my chest, so I think that was partly a factor.
A. Glute Ham Raises
4 sets of 10
B. Paused Close Stance SSB Squats (w/3s pause)
B. Leg Press (w/EliteFTS Average Bands)
4 Plates (each side) x 20
5 plates x 20
6 plates x 20
7 plates x 20
C. 1-Leg RDL w/KB
4 sets of 12
D. Leg Extension (w/3s pause)
4 sets of 10
E1. Standing Calf Raises
4 sets of 15
E2. Band Tib Raises
4 sets of 20