I walked in the gym today and told Jordan "I want to kill my legs." So, we combined powerlifting with bodybuilding, and did a shit ton of volume. Ask me why we did, I couldn't even answer that, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Box Squats with the SSB

Warmed up with sets of 10 working up to:

205lbs x 3 x 10


245lbs x 1 x 10


Pin pulls with band tension

Splitting reps: 5 sumo/5 conventional

225lbs x 5/5 x 2 sets

275lbs x 5/5 x 2 sets

325lbs x 5/4 x 2 sets


Drop set (conventional only) of 325lbs x 5, 275lbs x 4, 225lbs x 10

Assistance work:

Legs press 5 x 20 super set with ham curls 5 x 15

Leg extensions x 100

Hanging abs 3 x 10