Programming in the works. Meet has been picked. Clean eating and supplement intake have been on point. Not 100% yet but feeling better.
April 2nd - 10 weeks out from USAPL meet in Savannah, GA.
10 minutes on the bike (resistance: 8)
Belt Squats 5 x 10
Belt Squat Marching - 4 x 2 minutes: develops the glutes and the hips, particularly the gluteus medius. I'll eventually work my way up with time, these are brutal (in a good way). If you cannot access or do not own a belt squat, there are different ways to simulate this movement. Below, Laura Phelps demonstrates one way with no machine required:
Leg Press (narrow stance) 5 x 15
Leg Extensions 5 x 10
Seated Ham Curls 3 x 15
Laying Ham Curls 3 x 20
KB Swings 3 x 10
Abs - leg raises 3 x 10
Back on the bike for 10 more minutes (resistance: 9)