This was my first UGSS I've attended, I competed on the days of both the Wendler and Meadows UGSS. It makes for an awesome training environment to have so many elitefts team members and such a good group of attendees. If you've never been I'd highly recommend checking one out!

Mark put on a pretty good presentation after training that really hit home for me.  I own my own business (The Strength Lab, a sports performance gym), I'm married, and have two young kids, both girls, 4 years old and 9 months old. Like anyone else it's easy to make an excuse to miss a training session or why you aren't the strongest guy out there. Mark is in the exact same boat, business owner, husband, father. Yet, hes managed to become a 5x Mr. Olympia qualifier. Priorities and dedication to the sport are the name of the game!

On to the workout:

Squats: After taking an empty bar and 1 plate for a set I decided I was to impatient to squat with 10 people on 1 monolift.


I haven't pulled anything heavy off the floor since my last meet in October. So, my plan was to work up relatively heavy for a single.

135x2, 225x2,315x2







Everything felt pretty decent. The 675 wasn't as easy as I would have liked it to be, but I guess it never is.

Glute ham raise 3x10

Seated Hamstring Curls 4x20

Standing Abs 3x10

Another pretty good deadlift session in the books!  Moving forward, I probably need to continue to up the volume of my accessory work. After those hamstring curls my legs were jello and about ready to cramp up. My bodyweight is a little lower than I'd like it to be, I'm sitting around 224-226, so a little extra volume can't hurt to try to pack on some muscle.