Monday was a max Effort Bench day, and since my training partners are totally gay for chains right now, we did a floor press with 200lbs of chain.
After warming up, I did a few sets with the bar, then one with 3 chains, and another with 5.
Then the bar moved up as follows:
95 x 1
135 x 1
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1
245 x 1
The 245 was a grind, but clean. I don't have a PR here, so I guess that'll be it.
Next is where things got a little funky.
We were doing pull-ups as an assistance exercise, and while I wasn't doing the crossfit kipping nonsense, I did try to pull up out of the bottom position a little to hard and felt that oh-so distinct sensation of ripping something in my lat/teres.
This pretty much ended the day, as I was concerned that I had done damage. Any sort of pulling motion hurt. Fortunately though, It got way better over the next couple of days, so I think I just tore some scar tissue.
Never a dull moment