Sunday and Monday were max effort sessions for deadlift and bench press.

Sunday the exercise was a deadlift off of pin 3 (6 inches high on our rack).

I hate pin pulls because they really challenge my lower back, which just wasn't up to it for a long time. This time though, I felt pretty good, and was able to take another step towards getting my  deadlift back on track.

Warmed up on the back extension, then went:

Bar x a bunch

135 x 5

225 x 1

315 x 1

365 x 1

405 x 1

455 x 1

475 x 1

495 x 1

The 495 was really hard off the pin (my weakest point in any pull), but locked out smoothly.

While I'm still not handling anywhere near the weight I should be, this was a big step because it's the first really big strain I've made on a deadlift in a long time, and totally pain free. In the last few years my back pain made it really difficult to stick with a pull off the floor/pin. Either my back would hurt too bad, or more recently I would just shut down and give up. This time though, my confidence was high enough that I felt comfortable with the strain.

Next up was 4 sets of 10 reverse hypers

4 sets of 15 hip adduction

4 sets of 15 pulldown abs.


Monday was an ME bench day and the exercise was a reverse band bench with average bands.

Warmed up, then worked up with:

135 x 5


245 x 1

Added band

245 x 1

295 x 1

335 x 1

385 x 1

405 x 1

425 x 1

435 x 1

The 435 got really tough at lockout and I knew that this was it.

After the 435, I did another two sets at 335 for some extra volume.

Next, to switch things up, I did parallel bar dips as a second movement. These were tougher than I remember (I probably haven't done them in 30lbs. but it was good work for the triceps and shoulders. Did 4 sets of 12

Next were 4 sets of 12 Hammer Strength high pulls, and dumbbell shoulder raises for 4 sets of 15 @ 20lbs.