While I might not still be back to 100%, I'm healthy enough to compete bench only. Therefore, I am currently in meet prep, where I will compete at the APF/AAPF Summer Bash on July 29th, 2017. I'll be competing the 132-lb. weight class, multi-ply, where I look to bench press 500+ pounds, yet still mending my low back issues.
For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com or visit brandonsmitley.com
Saturday's training called for more SSB work, and another wave of running 5/3/1 with it. This 315x10 felt great, and I'm really happy with how things were moving. Definitely have made some good progress in this department. I kept my accessory work on the lower end, as I had a day planned with the girlfriend and I know that my accessory work will be coming limited here rather quickly. Plus I knew that the following day I would be training at Elitefts. Gotta come in fresh to hit a big bench there.
Items Used in this Training Session
SS Yoke Bar
Texas Deadlift Bar
Mini Band
Short Monster Mini Band
Warm Up
PRI Breathing Work - 5 min
Hip Flexor Stretch - 30 sec per leg
Leg Swings (forward and side to side) - 10 each
Single Leg RDL - 10 per leg
Bulgarian Split Squat - 10 per leg
Goblet Squat - 10
Standing Band Crunch - 15
A1) SSB Squats
B1) SSB Pause Squat
C1) Dimel Deadlift
D1) KB Swings
D2) Sit Ups vs Band
D3) Seated Band Hip Abduction