Last Sunday was a Max Effort lower body day at Apollon.

I was feeling great after taking a down week, and it looked like I was going to need it, because the lift for the day was a suspended good morning with the cambered squat bar.

The height was set a little high, making it more of an arch back good morning. Warmed up and got under the bar.

Bar (50, I think) x 5

140 x 1

190 x 1

230 x 1

280 x 1

320 x 1

370 x 1

410 x 1

460 x 1

500 x 1

This felt surprisingly good.

I was really glad I took the down week because I felt great. I'm finally starting to really trust my lower back health, so It's getting easier to select exercises that really challenge it. I'm going to make a deadlift pr my next meet or die trying. Since I also hit an all-time pr in bodyweight today, it may just be both.

Finished with 4 sets of reverse hypers, 4 sets of the hip adduction machine, and incline sit-ups.