13 Weeks Out from XPC Finals @ The Arnold Classic
Today's movement was a dead-start SSB good morning off pins. This is always a challenging movement, physically and mentally (it sucks!) but it's a good concentric movement to work on getting tight and straining through a lift. The 5x5 good mornings I've been doing every other week are beginning to make a difference, and I'm staying a lot tighter than I was in the past with these. I only rotate in a max effort good morning every 5th or 6th week, and either do it off pins or straps/chains. This was followed by some very light raw squatting with the SSB to work on trying to slowly build up my adductor strength.
A. Standing Ab Pull-Down Warm-Up - 2x20
B. SSB Pin Good Morning - Singles up to 440lbs
C. Beltless SSB Squat (close stance) - 3x10 w/ 200lbs
D. Single-Leg Leg Press (slow, with knee pushed outside of foot to work on adductor) - 3x10 per leg
E. Standing Cable Ab Pull-Down - 3x12
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