After sustaining multiple low back issues the past year, I'm now focusing on being a bench press specialist for the next year or so (both raw and equipped). I'm currently just trying to increase muscle mass and keep my low back healthy and give it time to rest and recover.

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On Saturday afternoon I got in some good max effort work, and jumped in my bench shirt to see how things would be feeling. My main goal was just to touch, and pretty much call it a day. To my surprise, my shirt was really loose, so I must be losing some weight or not eating enough (I haven't tracked my food in well over a month, or even stepped on a scale). I'm going to see if I'm able to do the XPC Freakshow Bench Bash on the main stage, so I figured this would be a good idea to see how things felt, and start to get some heavier weight in my hands. Considering I took almost 90% and handled it pretty well, I can't really complain too much except for the fact that the shirt was super loose. I was able to barely touch with 375, so I definitely need to work on eating more.

In other news though, I knew the whole day that I was going to be proposing to my girlfriend. We had made plans to go up to Purdue and catch the Christmas Show (Purdue has one of the best Christmas shows in the Midwest, and probably at the university level). We had made these plans a few weeks prior, so I had no plans to propose to her. But looking at things after talking with her parents, I knew it would be a perfect time. I set it up so that friends would be able to get pictures, and it was set to be a beautiful night.

I couldn't be happier to spend the rest of my life with Adrian, and I'm looking forward to all the things that come with marriage. I've truly found my best friend, and could not be where I am currently without her.


Items Used in this Training Session
Sabertooth Bench Bar
Metal Jack Bench Shirt

Warm Up
Soft Tissue Work - T-Spine, Lats, Glutes, Hamstrings, TFL, Quads
Cats/Camels - 10 each
90-90 T-Spine Rotation - 10 each side
Push Up to Downward Dog - 10
Band Dislocations - 10
Alternating Band Dislocations - 10 per arm
Band Pull Apart Super Series - 1 round
Band Curls, Rows, Pressdowns, Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns - 15 each

A1) Bench Press
325x1 - add Black Metal Catapult
375x1 - Metal Jack Shirt

B1) 2 Board Press

C1) Face Pulls
100 total reps