Screw the Diet today. I have a chance at free burritos for a year!

But, that will be later.

Camber bar squats (Please tell me if it is "Camber Bar" or Cambered Bar" I have no idea which one.)

The bar felt super light today. Which is what I expected after squatting heavy with a squat bar on the weekend.

Bar x 5
135 x 3
225 x 3
315 x 1
365 x 1
405 x 1
455 x 1
515 x 1

The 515 felt better than the 455 did. It is also awesome because last week I used Metal All Black knee wraps. This week I used knee sleeves.

Chin ups - failed

I went to the chiro yesterday and got adjusted. But I had a rib pop out again and I couldn't get it back in. The hanging part killed me. I settled for one set of light lat pull downs with a solid pause in the bottom.

GHR 2 x 10

I also want to post this unflattering picture of Casey. Look at this dreamboat bastard. He has to wear a shirt to remind him at what he is awesome at.  Take that sir!

smallerCasey bench2 Ken Hicks EliteFTS