
  • Warm Up
  • Hanging Leg Raise
  • Reverse Hypers
  • Pull Down Abs
  • Face Pulls
  • Low Rows
  • GHR
  • *2-4 sets (whatever you need)



  • ME Lower- Pull off floor against mini bands OPPOSITE STANCE up to max single


WHOSE IDEA WAS THIS TO PULL OPPOSITE STANCE. Spoiler alert, it was my idea. What a dumb idea. I mean, it was a good idea but NO ONE LIKES BEING WEAK. Now I distinctly remember why i stopped pulling sumo. Because I 1) suck at it and 2) it hurts. Anyway, I worked up to 355+the bands. So uh don’t think I’ll be switching stances in the near future. Just trying to build it up and work on those hips.

I tried to set up a few different ways- hands on the bar first then pull myself into position and also squatting down into position. Both ways I did not pull back enough before I initiated the pull. What a surprise I don't do it enough on my conventional pulls either. I just like to rip it off the floor like a fucking neanderthal.

I also did a single leg at a time ramping on the last one. It was very spastic. I was well aware it was happening but I was not in the mood to not lock out a deadlift so [ASCII shrug]




  • Glute bridges and shrugs on standing calf raise


175 wow buns of steel



  • Inverse leg curl or weighted GHR 4x8


I’m back on the GHR train so I have one day of inverse curls and one day of GHR. Choo choo here come my ham hocks.


  • Reverse Hyper 5x8-10 heavyish


6 regular plates 1 red kilo plate. I don’t know the weight. It weighs red lbs.



  • Seated ab bench 4x12-15


  • ab and adduction 4x15 each way







  • Warm Up
  • Hanging Leg Raise
  • Reverse Hypers
  • Pull Down Abs
  • Face Pulls
  • Low Rows
  • GHR
  • *2-4 sets (whatever you need)




  • ME Upper- against mini bands


Plate 5 against mini bands. This is 5 lbs less than I hit sometime in June doing the same setup so uh good job getting stronger??>> Wat is going on. cRiSiS



  • 3 board press up to heavy 3-5 then repeat




Also these are down from what they normally are.  Usually I am over 2 plates on most board varieties. Again, I say WUT



  • hammer strength row 4x10


  • front side and rear delts 3x20 each way no rest during sets


  • extensions with bells 5x20


I do rolling triceps while my elbows can tolerate them


  • hanging leg raises 3x12 as many toes to bar as possible  


  • heavy face pulls 4x6-8




  • SS Yoke Bar Upper Back Arching for one song 


Again with the arching
