I’m currently in meet prep for the 2016 APF Equipped Nationals, in Orlando, Florida on May 28th, 2016. I will be competing at 132 pounds, raw with knee wraps. The big picture is to prep for this meet, and obtain a top three placing to qualify for WPC Worlds in November.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com or visit brandonsmitley.com

Saturday began my weekend intensity deload. I'm just stepping away from the heavier work and keeping volume at a moderate level. My body feels good, but I was just feeling drained from all the heavy weights. This let me get in some technique work, and then move on to working the muscles and keeping things feeling fresh.

The weather here has been absolutely beautiful, so I busted out the Prowler for a few sets as a finisher and to get a lot of blood flow in at the end. I also got some natty vitamin D from the sun, which is also a big plus. This is the time of year that I love training in the garage.

One of the newer training partners, Taylor, came in to take some maxes as well since he's been under my coaching. With his schedule he doesn't make it as often as he would like, but he still comes when he can. In lieu of that, I've been helping him with some programming, so we wanted to see how his lifts were before finals begin to roll around and stress gets a bit higher. He hit a 270 bench press and 425 deadlift, both pretty big PR's since the first day he came (I think 20lbs and 50 pounds, respectively). Always cool to see the fruition of the people that dedicate themselves to coming in and getting help. Can't wait until he's a steady member over the summer.

Items Used in this Training Session
Mini Band
E Series Prowler

Warm Up
Reverse Hyper - 3x15
Standing Cable Crunch - 3x15

A1) Buffalo Bar Squat

B1) FFE Reverse Lunges
3x10 per leg

C1) Band Assisted Inverse Curls

D1) Reverse Hyper (strict)

E1) Single Arm KB Overhead Sit Up off GHR
3x10 per arm

F1) Prowler
3 down and back trips forward
3 down and back trips backwards