

  • Warm Up
  • Hanging Leg Raise
  • Reverse Hypers
  • Pull Down Abs
  • Face Pulls
  • Low Rows
  • GHR
  • *2-4 sets (whatever you need)




  • ME Lower- Rackable Cambered bar free squat up to max single


My elbows have been hurting. Well one more than the other. Because Nate tried to bail on a squat and I was a side spot. I wouldn’t have even said anything about Nate but he specifically said “you should do more shit talking in your logs” so, buddy, here you go. MrMcBaily.


So the point of that tangent is that I originally wanted to use the rackable cambered bar but I know that always puts my elbows in a world of hurt for the next week or two since my arms are jammed in there at a weird angle. So I opted for that giant cambered bar which I somehow had never used until this day.


Worked up to 375ish for a single (how much is that bar anyway???). I am still not feeling great about my upper back strength- that was the first to go on my top set. So I’ll keep hammering away at it.


  •  Secondary-
  • Lily- Glute bridges and shrugs on standing calf raise


155 and like 200 on shrugs. Don’t ‘gram fit ‘influencers do like 315 on glute bridges? What am I doing wrong? What’s wrong with my glutes? What’s wrong with my bridging???




  • Inverse leg curl or weighted GHR 4x8


Ok I’m going to switch to GHRs next week. For some reason on the inverse curl I feel like I use things aside from my hamstrings (like my calves???) weird.



  • Reverse Hyper 4x8-10 heavyish


3 plates and 1 red kilo plate on each side. Maybe a lil heavy but it was on there so uh I used it.



  • Seated ab bench 4x12-15



  • Ab and adduction 4x15 each way





  • Warm Up
  • Hanging Leg Raise
  • Reverse Hypers
  • Pull Down Abs
  • Face Pulls
  • Low Rows
  • GHR
  • *2-4 sets (whatever you need)




  • ME Upper- Reverse band straight bar up to max single


Up to 295 for a single. This is about where I was over the summer so COME ON NEWLY ACQUIRED FAT DO YOU JOB MAKE ME STRONGER


2 board press up to heavy 3-5 then repeat


This was supposed to be a close grip but I did pinkies on the rings since close grip hurt my ‘bows 195x4 200x3. Why is this what I hit on a 2 board like 3 years ago? What is this twilight zone shit?



  • Hammer strength row 4x10


Plate quarter dime. I’m finally getting better at feeling my non-trap back during these.



  • Front side and rear delts 3x20 each way no rest during sets


Uh I used 9 lbs for these



  • Extensions with bells 4x20


I’m on a rolling triceps kick. Except with my arms. An arm kick.



  • Hanging leg raises 3x12 as many toes to bar as possible



  • Heavy face pulls 4x6-8





  • SS Yoke Bar Upper Back Arching for one song


Again I do a combo of arching, shugging, and standing a grimacing.
