• Warm Up
  • Hanging Leg Raise
  • Reverse Hypers
  • Pull Down Abs
  • Face Pulls
  • Low Rows
  • GHR
  • *2-4 sets (whatever you need)



  • HIGH BOX Buffalo Bar with against bands (1-3 light bands per side) <- Whatever feels best with one plate on the bar.
  • + Work up to 1 rep max


OK SO I AM SO MAD ABOUT THIS. Used one light band per side. On 3 plates and a quarter I shifted forward off the box, literally stopped halfway up, then kept going. So I took a smaller jump on the next set and literally got smashed forward coming up out of the hole. Classic smush back falling forward rounding. I was like WHAT THE FUCK. A 10 lb jump should not have caused that based on the speed of the one before. I ruminated about whether I should take it again. When I fuck up a squat, that’s usually where it gets fucked up- from my upper back. I also am trying to be smarter with my training and not fail and then re-take weights that I failed. So after much painful deliberation, I called it there. I figured the band was just exacerbating my weak point and that was where and why I failed.


However, after the squat session, I reviewed some video evidence and saw that my first squat was speedy as fuck (except for the part where I literally stopped) and I was like FUCK I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN THAT AGAIN. I was so mad all day. Of course it felt worse than it looked and based on that, getting smashed on the last set was probably a fluke that I could fix.


Dave was at the USPA meet all day (what a mensch) so the next day I showed him the video and he thought I didn’t pause for long enough on the box which made me come up at a weird angle and it definitely was not enough weight for me to get crushed like that and I DEFINITELY SHOULD HAVE TAKEN IT AGAIN. I was triggered and mad again.




Just kidding.






  • Trap Bar Pulls Against Bands 
  • + around 40% of best DL and keep adding bands until it feels somewhat hard. At this point do 6 sets of 1 with around 60 seconds rest


40% of my meet pull (430) + two reds and one orange. Orange you glad you read my logs?




  • Close Stance Belt Squat (use any of the machines. Squat to depth and find a weight you can do 6 sets of 10 with with 60 seconds rest.


Uh I think like two plates and a quarter?



  • Back extension on GHR/Reverse Hyper Combo 
  • 3x12-15


Ah my favorite. I want my low back to be so huge it looks like a second butt.



  • Ab and Adducation Machine 
  • + one set of 15-20 each way



  • Hanging Leg Raises 
  • 3x10



  • Pull Downs 
  • + sets of 8 reps until you get sick of doing them. My guess will be no less than 6 sets. The swiss handle is good for this as you have 3 grips and can just do 2 sets with each grip.


Free Time

We also had some out of town visitors training with us today. Always nice to have some visitors added to our little crew!







  • Warm Up
  • Hanging Leg Raise
  • Reverse Hypers
  • Pull Down Abs
  • Face Pulls
  • Low Rows
  • GHR
  • *2-4 sets (whatever you need)


  • Straight bar bench with chains- 60% of max bar weight
  • + work up to 1 rep max


Actually did better on this than I was anticipating. 125 bar weight with 7 chains. About a month ago we did this to a red shoulder sver (same bar weight) and I got I think one less chain on each side. I’m weak as fuck off my chest so that means something is moving in the right direction. Or I am fatter. Or I slept better. Or the planets were well aligned that day. Whatever.



  • As a circuit with around 30 seconds between movements
  • +++ 5 Rounds +++
  • OHP for 8-10 reps
  • Tricep Extensions for 15 reps
  • Band Face Pulls for 20 reps
  • Band Pull Apart for 20 reps
  • Kettlebell Rows (both arms at the same time) for 15 reps


Wow circuit city. Spent one round overestimating my OHP and rowing strength. No wonder circuit city went bankrupt. Circuits fucking suck.




  • Chest Supported Rows super-set with Static Band Pull Apart. 
  • CSR - 4 sets 10-12 reps
  • Band Pull Apart - 4 sets - hold for 30 seconds


Plate quarter on rows. I am trying to focus on not using my traps so I keep my weight right where it needs to be before my form goes to fuck town.




  • Pull Down Abs 
  • + 3 sets of 10-12 reps



