Now maybe I am behind the loop on this, but my life changed last week. For far too long I've wandered the halls of school with my infamous meat bags. Now the meat bags are a wonderful thing as a teacher, except that whole hygiene issue when I eat cold meat with my fingers whenever I can sneak some lunch in.

Meat bags equal simplicity, just throw a chunk of meat in a Ziploc bag and you're good to go. No containers, no extra dishes to remember to bring home, nothing to wash, just right to the point. The veggies, nuts or whatever else are also in their own bags usually packed for the week. Last week I went to what I guess the best way to describe it is a restaurant supply, grocery store. I went to go buy my 20 lb chunk of meat for meals for the family for the week.

The week prior my life had changed for the better when I bought a 17 lb tri-tip chunk. For far too long I had been eyeing those giant slabs of meat at the store and finally broke down and bought one. After that experience I will never go back to normal meat shopping at the grocery store. From here on out, it's a 15 lb chunk of meat minimum or nothing.

Anyway, back to the point. I walked down the paper container aisle and the heavens parted and the angels started singing. EVERY type of restaurant carry out container you could imagine was there. Plastic, paper, Chinese, etc.


A stroke of genius hit me. The 16 ounce, Chinese paper carry out containers (which are also microwave safe) are absolutely perfect to make my life simpler. I did the quick mental math: 25 containers for $1.75 was less than .10 per container AND it also equaled no dishes, no lids to try to match up, microwaving all in one container if the opportunity presents itself and storage all in one. THAT my friends is the deal of the century.

Now for my green friends, I know what you're thinking. This cannot be good for the environment and is wasteful. In MY mind, I am calculating a savings of NO water, no energy needed for hot water, soap, sponges, towels, extra plate that needs to be washed if I microwave my meal all add up to more resources than a couple paper containers per day. Now I don't know if my environmental math is correct. However, what I do know is my life just got 1000% easier. Not only are these a perfect solution for packing lunch to work each day, they are super easy to stack in the fridge and take up so much less space than the typical plastic ones I would need to use for the family's meals for the week. And, get this....the containers even fit in those little shelves on the door of the fridge very easily.

I LOVE my meat bags and truly thought they were the best solution to my chaotic and busy life. As of last week, my game has changed and I'm loving it!

