I had my meet this weekend. I drove to the meet Saturday morning. It was an easy hour long drive to Lancaster pa. My weight was close so I didn't eat or drink until weight ins at 11.  I weighed in at 275.2 and was ready to go.


I opened at 650 then went 690.  I went 710 for a third for a new PR.  Good lift!


I opened with 490.  This was a fast lift.  My plan was to go 515 then try 530.  After 490 I was urged by my bros to go right to 530. I trust them and they don't bullshit me.  They are the first to say slow down or go lighter. I listened to them and missed 530 bad. Like at my chest bad. I was bummed because I had an awesome bench prep.


I was a long shot from a pr total. With my bench surprisingly not going so well I was in bad spot. I opened with 650. This felt good and I went to 730 for a 5 lb total pr. I was optimistic but missed. I passed on my third

I  left the meet very happy to have continued squat progress and a desire to get my DL figured out. I am going to reach out to some people and get some help with my technique. I know what it takes to get DL PRs but my form is hit or miss and it's costing me my goal today. My bench is just something that comes with the territory. I just didn't have it today.

710 raw squat


490 bench


This was my 40th meet and I'm happy to say I'm already planning number 41. It will be USAPL raw nationals in October.