Shoulder saver with feet up
225x10x10 under 10 minutes

Waking 1/4 dips
4 trips

Face pulls

Hammer curls (15#)

DB ext


So my bicep isn't bad, at least it doesn't feel that way. But with the way this training cycle has gone, paired with the last one, it is in my best interest to back off the rest of this training cycle, get to the meet healthy, and plan an easy 6/6 or 9/9 day where I qualify for the Arnold and then shut it down. I spoke with Dave, Steve, and Marshall over this.

A qualifying total is 1820 for the 242's. So I need to hit between 80 and 90% on my squat, bench and deadlift to qualify. If I can't do that then we have a problem.

It's frustrating but "sometimes it takes bigger balls to walk away from something than it does to just go ahead and do something stupid," in the words of Dave Tate.