I felt really good all day long and instead of just doing lower assistance/rehab work today I decided to squat again. It went well, actually, minus the low back pump. That was to be expected after squatting and pulling the day prior.

Breathing exercises
Left adductor squeezes
Wall abs
Side- lying right leg raises with left oblique bridge
Wall sits with squeeze 

Duffalo bar against light bands ~80#
Bar x5
325x5x2 sets
Add belt
-3-4 min rest between sets mostly because my low back had a massive pump. I was planning 5 sets but the last one felt sloppy so I cut it. 

Step ups
Right leg 10 reps, left leg 20
3 sets
-pain in left IT at the top near the hip 


Leg press
Unilateral against light bands
Right leg 10 reps, left leg 20
4 sets

I'm still getting pain in my left leg. It feels like the IT band but I could be wrong. I'll get to see Dani this weekend and hopefully that clears things up.
