Treadmill .5 hr
SSB squats 155 10x10
Back raises 3x10

Treadmill 1 hr
Deep tissue 1 hr

Treadmill 1 hr
Stretching hips, back, shoulders, and rolling back on peanut

Seriously, no kidding, I have been hitting the treadmill and squats. Just the same as the past couple of weeks. My training is like the movie Groundhog Day. If you have not seen it, you should. There's a great diner scene where Bill Murray is just stuffing his face. Oh man, those were the days.

Anyway, here's the good news, my back and hips are feeling AWESOME! Bad news, the shoulder is taking it's damn time getting better. I'll probably wait yet another week to do upper body work. I'm doing my best to be patient.

I'm at the point where the pain is pretty manageable. In the past I have benched through this. Now I think at what cost? Seriously, is not benching for three weeks really going to make me that much weaker. I'll probably feel stronger from the break. That is something I am interested in seeing. Some of my best meets came off of close to three weeks of deloading.

Work has really been stressing me lately. That's probably not helping me either. I'm sure that stress releases some kind of hormone that slows down healing. I should probably just take some midol and stfu.

Yep, I have nothing of any consequence left to say, not that the above was anything special. Thanks for reading your way through these boring times. I will turn it up soon.