The NBS Fitness King and Queen meet is in the books and a success. On top of having two online clients run in this meet my training partner during my last prep was in the meet. I was also in charge of running spotters, loaders, and making the platform run smoothly during the whole day.
First, Bryan Hill, this cat knocked it out of the park, he had a rough start on squat and missed his last squat of 735 due to 2 red lights. Although this was not ideal, he was patient on bench and nailed all three attempts ending with a 485 bench. He ran the calculations in his head and turned it on for deadlifts ripping 722 off the ground and slowly but steadily stood up with it. He ended his day with a 1924, qualified for the Arnold, Won his class, and best lifter on the day.
Next up, Scottie Alexander, this dude is all about bodybuilding, always has been. He came to me asking for help to do this meet and I was all about it knowing a lot of work was needed to get his body working together FULLY and not from an isolation standpoint. My goal from the beginning was to go 9/9 with him as this is not his main focus and it was also his first meet. During training Scottie hit most of all his lifts that were called for him (outside of a few goofy decisions here and there) but overall he knocked it out of the park. Now, mind you, he has been in the gym for awhile but strength has not been the focus. We quickly found when hitting out three rep maxes that his previous "best lifts" were way below where we were at. Since this was his first meet me were not worried about "PR's" cause I already knew they were going to be more than he has done in the past, I wanted them to be "cake". His day recap can be told very shortly, Scottie rolled into the meet feeling good, I called all of his numbers and discussed where he felt comfortable on third attempts (regulating some and "letting him go" on others). The result, a very comfortable 9/9 with much more in the tank. Scottie's form made HUGE progressions and it will enable him to add a decent "PR" to what we put together for his first meet.
Squat: 563
Bench: 386
Deadlift: 572
Total: 1521
Last but not least, and my most exciting client is Josh McNeil. I have been with Josh for over three years, I have worked with him since he walked through the doors of NBS Fitness. He has trusted the staff and put his head down and just worked, this is what he has been taught to do being the former starting center lineman for the Vols back in 2008, he is a haus. Josh did a mock meet roughly 8 months prior to this and we were around, but shy of, an elite total at 242. Fast forward till today and Josh surpassed our original goal of reaching an elite total and tacked on an added 50lbs ending the day with a 1685 at his first meet! We ran into a few hiccups which would have increased his total even more. All minor variables which is a great sign heading into our next meet come November. Josh has been one individual that I enjoy working with cause you can see the all around progress he makes from training cycle to training cycle.
Squat- 622
Bench- 391
Deadlift- 637
Total- 1653
I was very fortunate to work with and offer advice to these three individuals as they progress in their strength journey's. Was very proud of all these fellas, they all have much more ahead of them in the fitness realm and excited to see where they go.