Picked up a new (to me) bench and piece of Elitefts history. The fist ever Elitefts Bench Rack. It is pretty awesome! I'm in the process of opening my own gym (again) and had it in storage, but couldn't just let it sit there. So I put it to use for some speed benching.

Elitefts shoulder saver and Elitefts 5 rings bar

Speed Bench vs bands. - warmed up to mini and monster mini bands doubled over, which actually gave it some pretty good tension at the top

For my working sets I used 165 lbs bar weight - the only plates I have that aren't in storage and the two sets of bands doubled over. - 10x3 with 1 min rest between sets.

Close Grip Bench- I took of the monster mini's and left on the mini bands.

x20 reps, x15 reps, x 10 reps, x 5 reps - 1 min break between sets.

Finisher- Band Pull aparts, band upright row, band triceps pushdown 5x20 (100 of each) as few breaks as possible.