Just wrapped up the first week of my New Training Cycle! This week was a "re-introduction", mainly because Training is getting cray. A lot of new methods and implements being used-- Squatting and Pulling against Bands (in the monolift because of the easier band set up). I had to ask myself "am I still allowed to be a USAPL/IPF lifter?" I felt a little dirty at first, but then I learned to like it. Plus, everyone knows "bandz a make her dance"-- and dancing is great GPP I'm sure. So it's bound to be good for my powerlifting gains.

Despite all this fun with bandz-- my training week was delayed because I caught the plague from hell. I was feeling pretty tired at work Monday, and I just assumed it was from my weekend of traveling (because I DON'T get sick-- and even when I'm sick, I'm in denial about being sick/pretend that I'm not). But by the time I got home at ~6pm, I was sweating, dizzy, had muscle aches as though I had the worst DOMS ever, and was freezing despite the fact that it was hot as hell outside. So I threw down a protein shake w/whatever I needed to add to it to finish off my macros for the day, and just passed out.

I woke up with a super high fever, had sweat through my sheets, still had all those fun symptoms, no appetite, and to top it all off MY TASTEBUDS WERE TOTALLY SCREWED. Everything tasted BITTER. Water tasted terrible, chicken tasted terrible, EVEN PEANUT BUTTER-- tasted terrible (I cried a little, this is the first time peanut butter has ever failed me).

So I took the day off from work, and just slept ALL DAY. The strangest part was having no appetite, because that NEVER happens. Despite sleeping all day, I was still able to pass out at 8pm, and when I woke up for work the next morning-- although I was still a little off, the fever had subsided and I could tell I was on the mend.

Training took a bit of a hit as a result, but since we use RPE rather than percentages-- I was able to adjust given the circumstances.

Now I'm healthy, reintroduction phase is over, it's time to dig into this Cycle!


Squatting w/bands (realized these bands were lighter than what I needed-- so I went ahead and ordered these bad boys for my Squat gains https://www.elitefts.com/shop/bars-weights/bands/pro-average-resistance-band.html)

