New Training Cycle

Feeling: like I've never lifted weights before >_<

It's tough, but I know this is just part of the process transitioning out of a deload phase, and back into high volume/frequency training. Everything feels heavy, my lifts don't feel like "my lifting", and nothing feels smooth. This is where the TRUST piece is huge-- trust my coaches, trust myself, and trust the process.


Squat w/belt   x1 @8   70%x5x6 (-23%)

[Top Set: 295]

2ct Pause Deadlift   x1 @8, x4 @9   plus 2 down sets (load drop)

[Top Set: 335]

Snatch Grip SLDL   x10 @7, x10 @8, x10 @9   plus 1 down set (load drop)

[Top Set: 205]
Bench (touch and go)   x1 @8, x10 @9   plus 2 down sets (load drop)

[Top Set: 190]

3ct Pause Bench   x1 @8, x4 @9   plus 2 down sets (load drop)

[Top Set: 175]

Military   x5 @6, x5 @7, x5 @8   plus 2 down sets (repeat)

[Top Set: 95]

Below: the lifting crew at TPS tried to tell me I could pull off a snapback... my friends are assholes and I love them for it.