I'll be competing at USS "Hope for the Holidays" in December. This is a competition I've done every year I can since 2009. It's a fundraiser for a local orphanage. It's always a great time and sometimes some of the kids come out and watch.
Last year I competed in the max log clean & press and the max deadlift (raw). I ended up losing my balance on my first attempt. I still had time to complete the lift so I ended up locking it out. I actually injured my right shoulder on the first attempt when the log shifted too far back, causing me to lose my balance. My second attempt I had no strength in my right shoulder. I was done at 330#.
The deadlift I pulled 675 for my second attempt. I missed 700 at the knees. I was very disappointed in my performance at this competition. So this year I plan to redeem myself.
I'll be pulling in a suit this year because the top puller under 220# through a series of USS Competitions is invited to compete at "The Arnold" at the XPC Deadlift Salute. Suits are allowed, so I'll be suiting up. Right now the top deadlift is 730. So my goals for Hope is 735. As for the log, there's no qualifying for it so I plan to go set a PR. My goal for hope is 350.
Last Year: