Week 1 of 4-Week Block of Training with no Barbell Post-Meet

Last Friday I competed in the elite day of XPC Finals @ The Arnold Classic - The meet write-up with video will be up soon, and I'm going to write a log in the next day or so explaining in more detail my approach for the next few months, but to summarize for now I'm taking 4 weeks to do a bodybuilding-style split (Chest/Shoulders/Triceps, Legs, Back/Biceps) without any barbell weight on my back or in my hands to give my nervous system and joints a chance to recover and build some muscle in preparation for my next training cycle. This is something Dave recommended to me a while ago and I think is a really good idea when taking a big-picture approach to the year. More on my upcoming plans soon...

A. ShouldeRok Swings - 3x12 each side

B. Chest Flyes w/ Cable Crossover - 3x12 (slow eccentric, hold contraction)

C. Machine Chest Press - 4 sets: 15/12/10/8

D. Dips - 2 sets to failure

E. Seated Dumbbell Laterals - 3x12

F. Rear Delt Dumbbell Laterals - 3x20

G. Machine Shoulder Press - 3x8

H. Rope Tricep Pushdowns - 3 sets: 15/12/10

I. Overhead Rope Tricep Extensions - 3x15 to failure

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