The theme of the next few weeks will be experimenting with different exercises to see what works my butt and back the most.
Warm up with banded glute bridges, kickbacks, ghr, hanging leg raises, reverse hyper. I am pretty much doing the same warm up I’ve done in the past just semi-modified. I added in extra glute activation work and took out the upper body warm ups since I’m not using my upper for squatting purposes right now.
Last week I was belt squatting with Margaret and we were using similar stances and technique. She as like damn these are lighting up my butt cheeks. And I was like damn I am like 85% hamstring 15% quad and -10% butt. I relayed my very thoughtful and poetic findings to Dave who put a band in front of my hips on the belt squat to help with my butt thrusting power. Here is a video. It worked so a-banded it will be from now on.
I focus on screwing my feet into the floor, trying to pull myself down with my glutes, squeezing on the way up, driving them though at the top and holding for a second or two. I would like to go heavy with these but I’m trying to focus more on doing it correctly so I just make sure I go to something heavy where it is difficult but not to the point where I am sacrificing my butt usage. I did a lot of sets of 10.
Leg press- I wanted another movement that I could go heavy on and still be kind of compound since I did not go super heavy on my belt squats. Joe and his bodybuilder buddy gave me some tips for getting more glute recruit(ment) so I tried some sets with a wider stance then finished off with some narrow stance sets. So I did lots of sets of about 10-15 reps going heavy.
Back attack- 2 plates 3x 10 going for a full range of motion. Last off-season around I went heavy with these to build up my back strength but I don't think it worked. I also don't think high rep lighter low back exercises helped a ton. I think the best builder for my back strength are good mornings. But since I can't barbell right now, I will just do whatever back exercises I can do.
Then around this time Dave told me he had an exercise to show me which involved squeezing my shoulder blades together as hard as I could and pulling my head back with a band around it. I will not lie this actually showed me how shitty I am at getting my back incredibly tight and is definitely something I will be working on. Dave, who has the ability to actually get tight, could only squeeze his shoulders back for about 10 seconds before he started shaking. I thought I was squeezing mine tight then he would tell me to get tighter and I would and this went on for like 30/45 seconds so obviously I am not doing a very good job.
Pull thrus with band around knees 3x 15. I'm trying to do most of my butt stuff with a band around my knees for added.. butt stuff.
Planks 3x60 sec
Pull down abs 3x12