So here we are, the first day back after de-load and L5 S1 Disc Herniation. I have planned out what I want to focus on from the doc which is getting my right glute to do more which will come by way of proper external rotation. If external rotation is a difficult concept for you to check out one of my older articles here, to properly implement External Rotation.
The reasons we think my external rotation is lacking was due to trunk rotation to the left WHILE my left hip was rotating more so I was sitting into my left glute more (loaded more) over time and with past surgeries Doc noticed my feet were not sitting equally while laying which will drastically affect my ability to move a load properly as the feet are the first contact point to the ground. This is the start of the problems which makes it harder for me to sit into my right glute and added to the rotation.
Moving forward I will be implementing Trevor Jaffe cue’s to grab the floor with an emphasis on my right pinky toe, compressing more on my right intercostals to keep from my trunk rotating, and finally working on my lower abdominal contractions to initiate and help hold a brace which I will be posting on more next week.
After meeting with Doc and him pointing out and showing me on video where I was breaking down it is glaringly obvious to me what was happening, unfortunately, it has been a struggle to implement all these cues in taking a few steps back. I am not typically a patient person, this will test my ability, along with a bunch of home renovations that we are trying to launch as well.
SSB, no sleeves 3x5: 375 + AMRAP 375x11
Close Grip 2 Board Bench, 3’s Pause3x5: 280 + AMRAP: 280x9
A1) Walking Lunges Down Turf, same leg forward 4 rounds: blue FB
A2) GHR (Slow Eccentric) 4x8: BW
B1) Seated Banded Abductions (out) 4x15: RED
B2) Seated Ball Adductions (in) 4x15: 8lb