While this recovery process takes place and will be tested during the upcoming strength block I am convinced my recovery habits will determine if I am able to bench. One of the largest factors that will determine if I can bench or not is how tucking will feel compared to feet out. I have been blessed enough to learn from other EliteFTS members on how to set up and implement both. Personally, tucked works better for me, I can say this with full confidence as I spent a whole year learning how to bench with feet out with no major progress and when I went back to feet tucked I hit my previous max within 6 months of implementing it again.
Here are two great, quick tutorial videos, on bench set up for both tucking and feet out.
Things too focus on during these next bench sessions to decrease back issues:
- if tucking starts to flare back up go through check list to make sure i’m not having trunk rotation
* if i can say with confidence I am not rotating, move feet out to decrease back strain
- focus on compressing intercostals, more so right, to evenly lock in erectors and not stain one side more than the other
* hoping this will even out triceps while locking out also, good amount of confidence that it will.
Day 2
High Bar, 5’s Eccentric + Pause 4x8: 235
Bench, Close Grip, 3-5’s Eccentric + Pause 5x8: 190(4)- 210(1)
A1) DB Chest Supported Row (Pause) 4x10: 55
A2) 2-Way Delt. Raise + Pause 4x8: 20
B1) Cable Curls (Slow Eccentric) 4x10: 7,8,8,8
B2) DB Flys (Slow Eccentric) 4x15: 30