So what we have so far there’s some good evidence of trunk rotation and hip shifting but the main concern is why it’s happening and what we’re gonna do to fix it. So on squat and bench day we have implemented certain things and it seems to be working, we now look at the dead left, which in my opinion, is the main cause of these back issues.
So, I’ll pose the question to myself what if I fixed my dad left, will that fix everything else? My current hypothesis, yes it will. Here’s my theory on why, I believe it is happening because I use mixed grip, not only mixed grip, but the lack of shoulder external rotation and my ability to supinate my hand. Because I struggle to supinate you can visually see me kicking my right hip out rotating my trunk to the left so that I can get my hand in a slightly better position, still not optimal, just to “kind of” grab onto the bar. This too, I believe is affecting my grip and causing me to lose the bar so often.
Dr. Bob was gracious enough to come in today and give me cues on what he sees from a structural standpoint. The more I focus on lower abdominal bracing the better off I was and as you can see in the video when I go to hook grip my compensations are drastically decreased and it’s easier for me to get in proper position compared to mixed grip.
Moving forward, I’m going to work drastically on my ability to supinate, but also my focus on lower abdominal bracing and see what the results are in my dead lift which will hopefully help my body overall and my lifts as well