
Was not particularly looking forward to doing these slow eccentric squats mainly from a breathing standpoint, lol. They literally take the wind out of me, more so now than ever as I am focused so much on my new process of bracing.  It was a good decision though as my training partners were able to give me great feedback while doing these.



So I sat down with my training partners, neither of which do work in the fitness industry. After making the decision to jump into this meet for personal reason's, goals, and obligations to uphold I needed to state my needs from them since they are my training partners. EVERYONE in your crew needs to be one the same page if only one person is competing and you have others in your crew they better be in line with what you need. For me I needed feedback, I just got diagnosed with a slew of compensations from a licensed professional and had a gameplan on how to fix it. I was not going to be able to do that alone because my proprioception (feel) of what I thought I was doing was not accurate thus far in my training, hence why I got hurt. Both of them were not comfortable giving me cues to fix my issues until it was given to them as their job. I dont care if they know movement patterns, but I trust them and have been pouring into them for over 6 months so they know when something does not look "correct".  That is all I need to know and I can go from there in fixing the problem.  So, get on a personal level with your training partners, find out what they need and make sure you are doing your job in pushing them to their goals.



Not all reps are created equal, this is why Dave Tate talks about the importance of speed work from a technique standpoint, LOOSLEY TRANSLATED: "if you are doing 12x2 that's 24 reps that you have to accumulate good technique with explosiveness, if you only get one good rep every set you just taught yourself how to squat 12 shitty reps along with 12 good ones, now 50% of your squat work for that day was garbage." Think about that, to get stronger you must accumulate strength, the same applies to movement patterns. If you want to get them better aka stronger, you have to accumulate GOOD REPS.




Day 2

High Bar, 5’s Eccentric + Pause (45%) 3x8: 265

Bench, Close Grip, 3-5’s Eccentric + Pause (60%) 4x6: 230

A1) DB Chest Supported Row (Pause) 4x12: 60

A2) 2-Way Delt. Raise + Pause 4x12: 15,20,20,20

B1) Tricep press Downs (Slow Eccentric) 4x10: Skip

B2) DB Flys (Slow Eccentric) 4x18: SKIP
