After months of preparation and hard work, my brother completed his first full meet this past Saturday (also his birthday) at the APF Southern States meet.

I am so incredibly proud of you! You showed heart, you put in the work, and you surpassed your goal of wanting a 1200 total and ended with 1217: 424/286/507

Glad I was able to make it there to support you and celebrate your birthday the way I know you wanted.

APF State Meet 2




It was so great seeing Jo Jordan and Brian Schwab, and once again, they put on a great meet! Saw familiar faces and also a lot of new ones. Seems like each competition I go to, or compete in, the number of females coming in as competitors or spectators has grown.

Young or old, male or female, I saw it all. I was able to capture a few lifts and celebratory moments that I think can inspire anyone to get out there and do what they love -- no matter who you are or where you're from -- anything is possible: Just takes a little bit of courage, heart and hard work. Congratulations to everyone who competed.






  APF State Meet 3

APF State Meet 4

Original crew of Southside Barbell

APF State Meet 5

Thank you for all you do, Kim!

APF State Meet 6